Types of visas and the purpose of your trip
A Schengen visa is an authorisation issued by a Schengen Member State (MS), in the form of a sticker or stamp affixed to a valid state border crossing document, allowing a third-state national who is subject to this requirement, to present him/herself at a border crossing point of the Schengen area in order to apply for transit or temporary stay for a specified period in the Schengen area, subject to fulfilment of the conditions laid down in the acquis community on visas.
As from March 31, 2024, in accordance with the Community Code on Visas (CCV), Romania will issue visas for stays of no more than 90 days in any period of 180 days in the territory of the Member States or for transit through international transit areas at Member States' airports.
Starting from March 31, 2024, Romania will issue:
1. Uniform visa, which is valid for the entire territory of the Member States (MS); this visa may be issued for the following purposes: tourism, business, visit to relatives or friends, cultural, sport, official visit, medical reasons, study, other; [for the required supporting documents, click here]
A uniform visa can have one, two or multiple entries.
Uniform multiple-entry visas can be issued with the following validity periods:
2. Visa with limited territorial validity (VLTV), valid in the territory of one or more but not all MS;
Visas with limited territorial validity shall be issued exceptionally in the following cases:
• when the Member State concerned considers it necessary on humanitarian grounds, for reasons of national interest or because of international obligations;
• when for reasons deemed justified by the consulate, a new visa is issued for a stay during the same six-month period to an applicant who, over this six-month period, has already used a uniform visa or a visa with limited territorial validity allowing for a stay of three months.
A visa with limited territorial validity shall be valid for the territory of the issuing Member State. It may exceptionally be valid for the territory of more than one Member State, subject to the consent of each such Member State.
If the applicant holds a travel document that is not recognised by one or more, but not all Member States, a visa valid for the territory of the Member States recognising the travel document shall be issued. If the issuing Member State does not recognise the applicant’s travel document, the visa issued shall only be valid for that Member State.
Depending on the purpose of the trip, the general conditions for obtaining a VLTV visa are the same as for obtaining a uniform visa.
3. Airport transit visa (type A), valid for transit through international transit areas in one or more airports of the MS.
A Schengen airport transit visa is a permit issued to persons who need to enter Schengen territory only to change their means of transport.
A Schengen airport transit visa entitles foreign nationals who are required to hold such a visa to transit through the international transit area of airports, without entering the national territory of the state concerned, during a stopover or transfer of an international flight.
However, this visa does not allow its holder to leave the international transit area of an airport, even if they have to wait overnight.
Do I need a Schengen airport transit visa issued by Romania? click here.
Multiple-entry airport transit visas can be issued for a maximum validity period of six months. [for the required supporting documents, click here]
Schengen visa is a uniform visa / visa with limited territorial validity / airport transit visa.
Therefore, from the date of full implementation of the Schengen acquis, Romania will no longer issue transit visas (type B). Third country nationals transiting through the territory of one or more MS shall be issued with uniform transit visas (Art. 5(2) of the CCV).
The Schengen visa allows the holder to travel to and transit through any of the Schengen states, but does not automatically entitle the holder to enter the Schengen area. Border authorities may refuse entry if the visa holder does not provide proof of the purpose and specifics of the journey or if any of the other entry requirements is not fulfilled (see section "Entry conditions").
According to the provisions of the Schengen acquis, the validity of the uniform visa issued by the Romanian authorities or by another Schengen State may be extended by means of a visa sticker. Under the conditions set out in the Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas. The national authority responsible for extending the validity of visas affixed to ordinary passports is the General Inspectorate for Immigration and its territorial units, and for those affixed to service or diplomatic passports is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The decision of the responsible Romanian authorities refusing to grant the visa may be appealed in accordance with the provisions of Administrative Litigation Law no. 554/2004, as amended and supplemented. The cancellation/revocation of a visa may be appealed under the same conditions.
The rules that apply to appeals against decisions on refusal/annulment/revocation of a visa are set out in art. 31, par. 5 and art. 33, par. 6 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 194/2002 regarding the regime of foreigners in Romania, as subsequently modified and amended.
The preliminary complaint procedure is mandatory and a formal complaint must be lodged within 30 days of receiving the refusal form. Subsequently, the appeal must be lodged within 6 months of receiving the formal notice of the response to the prior complaint or within 6 months of the expiry of the deadline for responding to the prior complaint, but no longer than 1 year of receiving the formal notice of the standard refusal form. The request to exercise the right to dispute the decision to refuse/annul/revoke a visa may be submitted by written, dated and signed request, delivered to the email address relatii_cu_publicul@mae.ro or to the MFA Headquarters, 31 Alexandru Alley, Sector 1, Bucharest, zip code 011822.
The competent authorities to which the appeal may be lodged are the administrative divisions of the courts of appeal with territorial jurisdiction, whose contact details can be found at https://portal.just.ro/SitePages/instante.aspx.
4. National visa (long-stay visa type D)
The long-stay visa is granted to third-state nationals, upon request, for periods of 90 days, with one or multiple entries. The right of residence granted through the D-type visa can be extended by applying for such an extension of the right of residence on the national territory. The extension of the right of residence is materialised through a residence permit issued by the Inspectorate General for Immigration from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania. The applications for the extension of the temporary right of residence must be personally submitted by applicants, at least 30 days before the expiry of the right of stay granted through the visa, at the territorial bureaus of the Inspectorate General for Immigration from the area of residence.
The Romanian long-stay visa is issued for the following purposes of the undertaken journey:
The long-stay visa for economic activities (marked D/AE) - this type of long-stay visa is granted to third-state nationals who will carry out economic activities on the territory of Romania as organised and regulated through special legislation. [for the required supporting documents, click here]
The long-stay visa for professional activities (marked D/AP) - this type of long-stay visa is granted to third-state nationals who are bound to exercise liberal professions on the territory of Romania as regulated through special legislation. [for the required supporting documents, click here]
The long-stay visa for commercial activities (marked D/AC) - this type of long-stay visa is granted to third-state nationals who are or are bound to become shareholders or associates in management and administrative positions, within Romanian companies. [for the required supporting documents, click here]
The long-stay visa for employment (marked D/AM)
- this type of long-stay visa is granted to third-state nationals in view of employment on the territory of Romania. This type of visa shall also be issued to sportsmen bound to play in clubs or teams from Romania on the grounds of an individual work contract or of a legal agreement as provided for by law.
[for the required supporting documents, click
The long-stay visa for employment can also be issued to third-state nationals who travel to Romania for employment as seasonal workers.
[for the required supporting documents, click
The long-stay visa for employment (marked D/AM) is granted to third-state nationals on the grounds of a work permit issued by the Inspectorate General for Immigration of the Romanian Ministry of Interior, in line with legal provisions, with the exception of the work permit issued to seconded workers.
The long-stay visa for employment (marked D/AM) is granted without submission of a copy of the work permit, to the following categories:
- a. to third-state nationals whose free access on the Romanian labour market is established through treaties concluded by Romania with other states;
- b. to third-state nationals who are bound to carry out didactic, scientific or other categories of specific activities in specialized institutions that are accredited or temporarily authorized in Romania, on the grounds of bilateral agreements and to especially qualified staff, on the grounds of the order of the minister of national education, as well as to third-state nationals who carry out artistic activities in cultural institutions from Romania, on the grounds of the order of the minister of culture;
- c. to third-state nationals who are bound to carry out, in Romania, activities required by ministries or other entities of the central public or local administration, or by autonomous administrative authorities;
- d. to third-state nationals who are appointed as heads of subsidiary offices, offices of representation or of branch offices of a company from the territory of Romania or with headquarters abroad, and whom, at the date of application, are not associates, shareholders or administrators within a Romanian company, and in the subsidiary office, office of representation or the branch office, there is no other third-state national who holds a right of stay for this purpose.
- e. citizens of the Republic of Moldova, of the Republic of Serbia and of Ukraine, employed in Romania with a full-time individual employment contract, for a maximum period of 9 months throughout a calendar year (according to the Gregorian calendar adopted by Romania, the “calendar year” has 365 days and is counted from January 1st to December 31st.)
The application for a D/AM-type visa can be lodged within 180 days from the date when the work permit is issued. The decision on a D/AM-type visa application is taken by the National Visa Center of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, within 20 days from the date when the visa application is lodged at a diplomatic mission or a consular post of Romania. For the above-mentioned categories of third-state nationals who benefit from the work permit exemption, the decision on a D/AM-type visa is taken in a term of up to 60 days from the date of submission of the application.
The long-stay visa for secondment (marked D/DT) – this type of long-stay visa is granted to third-state nationals in view of carrying out lucrative activities in Romania with a beneficiary of the provided services. The long-stay visa for secondment attests the third-state national’s right of work on the territory of Romania. [for the required supporting documents, click here]
The long-stay visa for secondment (marked D/DT) is granted without submission of a copy of the authorisation of secondment, to the following categories:
- a. to third-state nationals hired by legal persons located in one of the member states of the European Union, of the European Economic Area or in the Swiss Confederation, seconded in Romania, provided that they submit the residence permit issued by that state;
- b. to third-state nationals who are bound to carry out didactic, scientific or other categories of temporary specific activities in specialized institutions that are accredited or temporarily authorized in Romania, on the grounds of bilateral agreements and to especially qualified staff, on the grounds of the order of the minister of national education, as well as to third-state nationals who carry out artistic activities in cultural institutions from Romania, on the grounds of the order of the minister of culture;
- c. to third-state nationals who are bound to carry out, in Romania, temporary activities required by ministries or other entities of the central public or local administration, or by autonomous administrative authorities.
The long-stay visa for secondment (marked D/DT) is granted to third-state nationals on the grounds of the work permit for seconded workers, issued by the Inspectorate General for Immigration from the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with legal provisions.
The application for a D/DT-type visa can be lodged within 60 days from the date when the work permit is issued. The decision on a D/DT-type visa application is taken by the National Visa Center from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, within 10 days from the date when the visa application is lodged at a diplomatic mission or a consular post of Romania. For the categories of third-state nationals who benefit from the work permit exemption, the decision on a D/DT-type visa is taken by the Inspectorate General for Immigration from the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs, within up to 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, from the diplomatic mission or consular post of Romania where the respective application is lodged. In justified cases, when further scrutiny of the visa application is needed, the term specified above may be extended with 15 more days.
The long-stay visa for studies (marked D/SD) - this type of long-stay visa is granted to third-state nationals who intend to travel to Romania either for pre-graduate, graduate and postgraduate studies - depending on the case, or in view of obtaining academic degrees within state or accredited private institutions, in accordance with the provisions of the legal framework. This type of visa is also granted to third-state nationals who apply for such a visa as students, trainees, pupils. This type of visa is also granted to third-state nationals accepted for studies based on international documents to which Romania is party. [for the required supporting documents, click here]
Categories of third-country nationals considered as students: third-state nationals accepted for full-time course of studies by a state or private higher education institution that is accredited or temporarily authorized according to law, including for participation in a license programme (Bachelor's degree), in a postgraduate programme (Master’s degree), in a PhD or postdoctoral studies programme.
“School pupil” means a third-country national admitted for a pupil exchange scheme or educational project, by a state or private, accredited or temporarily authorized secondary education establishment, and also the third-county national of Romanian origin, a Romanian state scholarship holder or exempted from school fees payment, enrolled at a state pre-university educational institution, with full-time course of study, high school level. Third-state nationals who partake in a pupil exchange scheme or in an educational project must be between 13 and 19 years of age.
“Trainee” means a third-country national who holds a degree of higher education or is pursuing a course of study that leads to a higher education degree and who is admitted for a training programme for the purpose of gaining knowledge, practice and experience in a professional environment.
The long-stay visa for family reunification (marked D/VF) - this type of long-stay visa is granted to third-state nationals who intend to travel to Romania in view of regain the family unit. [for the required supporting documents, click here]
The sponsor who holds a temporary residence permit valid for one year, an EU Blue Card,an ICT permit, a “mobile ICT” permit, a long-term residence permit of who benefits from the refugee status or from subsidiary protection, may request family reunification for:
N.B.: Third-state nationals who benefit from a right of stay for the deployment of a scientific research activities and third-state nationals who hold an EU Blue Card, an ICT permit or a “mobile ICT” permit, may request family reunification irrespective of the fact that the validity of their temporary residence permit is shorter than 1 year.
“ICT” is an acronym used for “intra-corporate transferee”in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2014/66/EU.
- a. spouse;
- b. unmarried minor children of the sponsor or of the spouse, including adopted children;
- c. unmarried minor children of the sponsor, including adopted children, under the sponsor’s care and over whom the sponsor exercises their parental rights. If parental rights are exercised in common, the approval of the second parent is compulsory in order to achieve the family reunification requested by the sponsor.
- d. unmarried minor children of the spouse, including adopted children, under the spouse’s care and over whom the spouse exercises their parental rights. If parental rights are exercised in common, the approval of the second parent is compulsory in order to achieve the family reunification requested by the sponsor.
N.B.: The categories of third-country nationals indicated above, holders of a right of stay granted for the purpose of scientific research and third-country nationals who hold an EU Blue Card, may request family reunification even when the residence permit is valid less than one year.
Provided that legal conditions are met, the Inspectorate General for Immigration from the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs may also approve family reunification for the following categories:
- a. next-of-kin, in ascending line, of the sponsor or spouse, if such persons cannot provide for themselves and do not enjoy appropriate family support in their home country;
- b. unmarried adult children of the sponsor or of the spouse, if due to medical reasons, they are unable to provide for themselves;
Unaccompanied underage children who benefit from the refugee status or from subsidiary protection may request family reunification for:
- a. next-of-kin, in ascending line, or for their legal guardian; or
- b. when such persons do not exist or cannot be identified, for any other relative of the underage child.
The long-stay visa for family reunification (marked D/VF) is issued by the diplomatic missions or consular posts of Romania from the home country or from the country of residence of the family members.
The following categories of people may also request a Romanian long-stay visa for family reunification:
- a. third-country nationals married to Romanian citizens;
- b. unmarried third-country nationals who cohabit with unmarried Romanian citizens, provided they have at least one child together, hereinafter referred to as partners;
- c. children of a Romanian citizen, of their spouse or partner, including adopted children, who:
- i) are not yet 21 years of age;
- ii) continue their studies and have not surpassed 26 years of age;
- iii) although they are adults, they cannot care for themselves for medical reasons.
- d. next-of-kin in ascending line, of the Romanian citizen or of their spouse;
- e. the third-country national who is the parent of an underage Romanian citizen, provided that they can make proof of the fact that the underage citizen is in their care or prove the existence of an obligation of payment of a support pension, provided that this obligation is regularly fulfilled by the third-country citizen;
- f. third-country nationals, family members of Romanian citizens, who prove being registered with a right of residence as family members, in another member state.
The adoption must be settled through a decision of a competent Romanian authority, according to legal provisions, or through a decision of an authority from another state, that generates legal effects on the territory of Romania.
The long-stay visa for religious activities (marked D/AR) - this type of long-stay visa is granted to third-state nationals who intend to travel to Romania in order to carry out activities in the field of acknowledged faiths, upon request. [for the required supporting documents, click here]
The D/AR-type of long-stay visa is granted to third-country nationals upon request, by the diplomatic missions and the consular posts of Romania accredited in the applicants’ country of residence or abode.
The long-stay visa for scientific research (marked D/CS) is granted to third-state nationals who intend to travel to Romania in order to carry out activities of scientific research, on the grounds of the endorsement of the Ministry of Research and Innovation and of the General Inspectorate for Immigration. [for the required supporting documents, click here]
The long-stay visa for other purposes (marked D/AS) – this type of long-stay visa is granted to the following categories of third-state nationals, upon request, by the diplomatic missions and consular posts of Romania accredited in the applicants’ country of residence or abode: [for the required supporting documents, click here]
- to third-state nationals designated as administrators of a company, provided that they attest the simultaneous fulfilment of the following conditions:
- i. they are designated as administrators;
- ii. when they apply for the visa, they are not associates or shareholders in the respective company, or in another Romanian company and they did not exercise such functions throughout the last 2 years;
- iii. no other third-country national has previously obtained a right of stay for this purpose, within the company concerned;
- iv. the respective company has registered a budgetary contribution or a transfer of technology in amount of at least EUR 50,000.
- to third-state nationals who wish to enter Romania in order to carry out unpaid professional training, with an accredited professional training provider or within a public or private company, authorized to carry out such activities, in accordance with legal provisions, provided they cumulatively fulfil the following conditions:
- i. they concluded a training contract for unpaid participation in a type of training with an accredited professional training provider, or within a public or private company, authorized to carry out such activities, in accordance with legal provisions;
- ii. they hold means of support in the amount of at least one monthly average gross wage, for the entire period specified in the visa;
- iii. underage third-country nationals must have the approval of the parents or of their legal guardians, as regards their stay on the territory of Romania for this purpose.
- to third-country nationals who carry out activities within volunteer programs, provided that they cumulatively fulfil the following conditions:
- i. they concluded a volunteering agreement with a host entity, which shall specify the activity to be performed, the supervision conditions in fulfilling their tasks, the volunteering hours, as well as, should the case be, the professional training in which the alien takes part, necessary for the fulfilment of the volunteer service;
- ii. the host entity ensures the accommodation, the means of support and the medical insurance for the entire period of validity of the visa, the expenses and/or pocket money, as well as any potential costs related to return measures;
- iii. they are 14 years of age and over;
- iv. underage third-country nationals must have the approval of the parents or of their legal guardians, as regards their stay on the territory of Romania for this purpose.
- v. provide evidence that the host entity has concluded a third-party insurance policy, except for volunteers who participate in the European Voluntary Service.
- to third-country nationals who undergo long-term medical treatment within public or private medical institutions, provided that they submit a letter of acceptance from the respective institutions, specifying the diagnosis and the duration of the treatment. This type of visa may also be granted to a potential companion who assists the third-country national, should they not be able to take care of oneself, if this aspect is expressly mentioned in the letter of acceptance;
- to third-country nationals who carry out activities that do not breach the Romanian legislation in force, if they justify their presence on the territory of Romania;
- third-state nationals who undergo professional sports activities within a sports club registered in Romania must submit the official contract in keeping with the provisions of Order of the minister of youth and sports nº631/2017 regarding the approval of the template for the framework contract for sports activities.
- digital nomads who wish to travel and stay on the territory of Romania, while they continue to earn income from employment with a company registered outside Romania or from activities carried out by a company registered by them outside Romania, through the use of information and communication technology, if they cumulatively fulfil the following conditions:
- i.have means of subsistence from their activity amounting to at least three times the average gross monthly salary in Romania for each of the last six months preceding the date of submission of the visa application and for the entire period covered by the visa;
- ii.carry out activities from which they earn income, remotely, using information and communication technology.
The diplomatic and service visa (marked DS) – this type of long-stay visa allows third-state nationals to enter the territory of Romania, usually for a long-term stay, provided that they hold diplomatic or service passports and that they are bound to exercise an official function as members of the staff of foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts accredited in Romania. [for the required supporting documents, [for the required supporting documents, click here]
This type of visa is granted to holders of diplomatic or service passports, or to holders of travel documents that are assimilated to the latter, upon request from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the sending state, or from a diplomatic mission or consular post of the latter, as well as to their family members with whom they cohabit. The DS-type visa is valid for the entire period of the holders’ mission, or in accordance with bilateral understandings to which Romania is party.